What is Gegrapha?
Gegrapha is a Biblical word that means “I have written.” Every reporter, editor, producer, and columnist can truly say that they have done this.
Gegrapha is a network of journalists all over the world who follow Jesus Christ. We seek to build fellowships of Christians in newsrooms around the world, strengthen them in their profession, and encourage others to join them. Fellowship gives believers extra confidence to speak the truth—a goal enshrined in our very name. Gegrapha is nonpolitical, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian. We share a common faith as expressed in the Nicene Creed and a belief in objective news reporting.
What does Gegrapha offer me?
With 600 journalists in our national network, Gegrapha has chapters in the United States and around the world and offers annual conferences, opportunities for mentorship, and prayer support.
How did Gegrapha begin?
Gegrapha began as a small prayer group in the mid-1980s when a group of Christians working for several media outlets in Washington, D.C. started gathering to pray for the life of Terry Anderson, the one-time bureau chief for the Associated Press who was abducted by Muslim extremists. By the time Terry was released in 1991, the group had become close-knit and its participants wanted to continue meeting. David Aikman, then a senior correspondent for Time magazine, emerged as its leader and founded Gegrapha in 2002.
I am a professor of journalism at the University of Mississippi conducting a research study on the role of the Christian journalist in 21st century media. I would like access to Gegraph’s membership in order to send a link to an online survey. If you would like more information, you can contact me at: Brad Schultz, Ph.D., 662-915-5161, bschultz@olemiss.edu.