Religion News Association Mini-Conference, April 22, 2021
Schedule of Events
10:15 – 11 a.m. // MORNING MINGLE
Grab your coffee and meet up with colleagues for a morning networking session. Sponsored by American Academy of Religion.
Speaker: Betsy Shirley, RNA President; managing editor, sojo.net
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. // PANEL: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?
In a country starkly divided by politics, culture, and disagreements about even basic facts, the path forward is anything but clear. January 6th at the Capitol laid bare those divisions. Leaders of different faiths and political perspectives offer their vision for how to heal our nation – or whether they feel we can. Speakers:
- Mohamed Ahmed, founder, chairman and executive director, Average Mohamed
- Rev. William J. Barber II, president of Repairers of the Breach and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign
- Hoda Mahmoudi, chair and research professor, Baha’i Chair for World Peace
- Nate Oman, law professor, College of William and Mary
- Moderator Jack Gordon, WOWD 94.3FM Takoma Radio

12:45 – 1:15 p.m. // LUNCH & NETWORKING
Join your fellow attendees for informal networking and mind-melding over lunch (you bring the chow). You choose the room, and your colleagues provide the convos.
President Biden’s re-establishment of an Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships in January begs the question how faith advisers will impact this administration and its policies. Prior White House faith advisers and religious liaisons share anecdotes and insights to shed light on the evolution of these Oval Office positions over the past 20 years. Speakers:
- Joshua DuBois, former director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
- Johnnie Moore, founder and CEO of The KAIROS Company and president of The Congress of Christian Leaders
- Melissa Rogers, executive director, White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
- Tevi Troy, best-selling presidential historian, and a former senior government official
- Moderator Dina Zingaro, CBS 60 Minutes

Getting vaccines in the arms of people to achieve herd immunity is clearly a vital piece when it comes to returning to normalcy and moving past the pandemic. But, what does it mean for people of faith? It’s been a delicate balance for faith leaders between dealing with skepticism of science and government, vaccine disinformation and questions about whether the COVID-19 vaccine complies with religious obligation. Speakers:
- Rabbi Motti Seligson, director of media relations, Chabad
- Rev. Damon Williams, Providence Missionary Baptist Church of Atlanta
- Aaron Kheriaty, director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health
- Emily Smith, assistant professor of epidemiology at Baylor
- Moderator Deepa Bharath, staff writer, Southern California News Group

4:30 – 5:30 p.m. // PANEL: THOU SHALT BE FUNNY
In the past year, we have reported extensively on sobering matters. Humor beckons with an oasis of retreat from current events, and, religious comedians and experts say, is uniquely equipped to probe subjects of faith.
- Lina Molokotos-Liederman, affiliated researcher (sociology of religion), Woolf Institute, Cambridge, UK
- Archie Rand, Brooklyn-based artist and muralist, Brooklyn College professor of art
- Azhar Usman, comedian, actor, and staff writer & co-executive producer of “Ramy”
- Moderator Dina Zingaro, CBS 60 Minutes

5:30 – 6:30 p.m. // SOCIAL HOUR
Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of your favorite beverage and meet up with friends for party games or a nightcap. Choose between these breakout rooms:
- Game Night! Join resident RNA Game Queen Sarah Pulliam Bailey for parlor games, Zoom style.
- Let’s Keep Talking: Did one of today’s panels get your wheels turning? You’re not the only one. Join other RNAers who want to dig deeper into today’s topics.
- Happy Hour: It’s OK if you just want to hang out with your RNA friends. This is your chance to catch up and visit with no guided conversation. Bonus: The drinks are free!
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